Power to the Blanket

Yes, blankets are important too. Let's join forces!

About Us

We give so much attention to inventions which changed the world like the wheel, the telephone or the internet, but the blanket seems to be completely ignored. We also give much attention to the importance of a good mattress and how it affects our sleep, but what about the importance of a good blanket? Billions of blankets are used billions of time each day not only at night, but also during the day while taking power naps, short naps or for many other uses such as staying warm, covering young ones, picnics and so many more uses, but we are completely forgetting to recognize the blankets and honor them as they should be.

In fact, blankets may have the most affect on the evolution of humanity and the well being of mankind, but yet they are almost completely ignored. The purpose of the blanketeering movement is to establish the importance of blankets and spread the correct use of the blankets. We realize that many blankets today around the world are demanding this recognition so in an effort to prevent a massive revolt, we as Blanketeers are giving the rights back to the blankets. We are amazed at how many people, not only do not recognize the importance of blankets, but also simply do not know how to use them properly.

We are teaching individuals how to operate blankets properly and enjoy all the different methods and used of blankets. Can you imagine your life without a blanket? Exactly!! It would be impossible right? So why not appreciate your blankets more. The more you will love and cherish your blanket, the more your blankets will love you back. This symbiotic relationship between man and blanket is the key to our success and the key to the unity of humanity. The Blanketeering movement is growing exponentially by bringing awareness of blankets to the people. You too can be a blanketeer starting now by showing appreciation to your blanket and learning new and better ways to operate your blanket.


Records show that widespread use of blankets dates back to the first hunter gatherers as they would use animal skin and fur as blankets. Many cultures dating as far back as Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt would use several types of blankets like thinner blankets and the summer and heavier blankets during colder weather.

The industrial revolution was also a blanket revolution as it made the manufacturing of blankets easier and more efficient making it easier for people to own many blankets. The hospitality industry has perhaps impacted blankets the most by brainwashing guests and preventing them from being comfortable when introducing the hard tuck in method forcing people to pull their blankets from the mattress. This created mass confusion and pushed blankets off to the side completely remove their importance from human consciousness